The Item Collection challenges are replaced by the returning Survival challenge and Super Devil rank. Altered challenges and ranking table in the Combat School mode.Mars People Hallway: Just like the previous entrance but do not go in the Base.Get in the Base and fight UFOs and tons of soldiers. Instead, go left until finding a Warp Base. Deeper Ruins: When reaching the end of the second part of the stage, it says GO right.Hunter Hideaway: There should be a pitfall/hole before the Di-Cokka and the DANGER barrel.Unlike previous games, there is no drop-in multiplayer. Reintrodution of multiplayer mode by using ad hoc and online services.

Infinite continues to all difficulties.The Ostrich Slug is added in this version. Change in items, Slugs, and enemy placement.Old enemies reappear again such as the Mars People and the Hunters.A new announcer bits and pieces of the previous announcers can be heard.Mission 1 and Mission 6 take place in different times of day.Rebel Infantry reuse their sound effects from Metal Slug 6 (except for Xbox versions).Wide (Fullscreen with the graphics stretched).4:3 (Regular aspect ratio with designed borders at left and right of the screen).Additionally, the player can select the aspect ratio of the screen: The screen and graphics are not re-dimensioned to fit the screen.New Features and Differences Presentation